This pictures represent balance,gradation,repetition,contrast,harmony,dominance and unity in graphic designs respectively.
Balance:The butterfly is balanced due to its symmetry.If you cut the butterfly into half vertically,you will get see that both the right and left side of the butterfly is symmetrical.
Gradation:The changes in colour throughout the picture shows the gradation in colours.
Repetition:This picture shows a repetition of Marilyn Monroe.Her face is repeated in 9 tiles of the picture.
Contrast:The contrast in this picture is the between the caption and the colours.Black versus white and The Dream versus The Reality.
Harmony:As you can see from the picture, although the picture is coloured in different colours throughout the picture, the picture still forms a perfect picture where everything fits together
Dominance:The sun in the middle of the picture attracts our attention as soon as we see this picture.Therefore the orange sun dominants this picture.
Unity:The four hands together shows unity and teamwork.
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