Saturday 25 May 2013

First Lesson Of Visual Communication

Firstly,the first two drawings of the elephant and Kungfu Panda were first drawn by sketching the outline of their bodies.Before I started drawing,I had to plan the proportion of the body parts of the two characters.After that,I darkened the outline of the characters and did some shading.That’s how I got the final drawing.
For this figurine drawing,sketching the shapes was essential as this figurine is mostly made up by shapes.After sketching the shapes,darken the lines of the outline of the figurine to get this.
Now,for the rose.Actually,the rose should be upside down.But I took the picture of the rose upright.Anyway,once again,I sketched before darkening the outline of the rose.I also applied different pressure on different parts of the rose to make the rose seem more realistic.
This is my sketch of a dog.I didn’t really darken the outline of the dog due to the lack of time.Maybe it was because i took too long to draw the dog!However,the rough lines made the drawing more life-like mainly because it resembles the dog’s fur.Sometimes,not erasing the rough lines can make the drawing look more realistic.
Finally,the last drawing.I drew my classmate/partner,Vinny.For this drawing,I concentrated more on the outline of her as well as the shape of the pattern on her shirt,the collar and as well as her watch.I think if I added more details like her facial features and the more detailed pattern on her shirt.
And that is the end for Week 1’s Visual communication lesson.


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