Saturday 25 May 2013

Adobe Illustrator

Today, we first traced the national games mascot.We learnt once again how to set layers and lock them, so that we can move the different layers around when we need to. We also downloaded fonts and tried to use adobe illustrator to edit the words "Visual Communication". We also learnt about the create anchor point tool to create another anchor and allow us to draw lines from a new point.

Adobe Illustrator

This week we did tracing of shapes and logos. Using Adobe Illustrator, we traced shapes and logos like apple, McDonald and Nike.We learnt how to trace using the pen tool.Furthermore, we learnt about how to change the strokes,colour and also set layers to help us trace better.

Fashion Moodboard

This is the fashion moodboard that i did.It consists of denim themed outfits,high heel boots,bracelets and a floral headband.I think these are some of the latest trends among teens nowadays.I think all these fit well into an outfit altogether.

Lines, Frames, Balance, Rule of Third, Simplicity

This are lines on my pencil case.The lines intersect each others forming a checkered pattern.

This is a picture taken using the frame method in the classroom.The subject is the lines of the building opposite.

This is a picture of balance.A boy and a girl of the same height side by side shows balance.

This picture is taken using the rule of third method with my classmate as the subject.

Simplicity.The EXIT sign is simple and the colour makes it stand out amongst the surrounding.

The two handles are balanced and symmetrical vertically.

This is a picture taken with the frame method.The subjects are the windows on the opposite block.

The light is simple yet outstanding in the photo.

These are lines taken from the leaves off a tree near McDonalds.

The bin follows the rule of third as it is placed on the 1/3 line of the photo.

Balance,Gradation,Repetition,Contrast,Harmony,Dominance and Unity

This pictures represent balance,gradation,repetition,contrast,harmony,dominance and unity in graphic designs respectively.
Balance:The butterfly is balanced due to its symmetry.If you cut the butterfly into half vertically,you will get see that both the right and left side of the butterfly is symmetrical.
Gradation:The changes in colour throughout the picture shows the gradation in colours.
Repetition:This picture shows a repetition of Marilyn Monroe.Her face is repeated in 9 tiles of the picture.
Contrast:The contrast in this picture is the between the caption and the colours.Black versus white and The Dream versus The Reality.
Harmony:As you can see from the picture, although the picture is coloured in different colours throughout the picture, the picture still forms a perfect picture where everything fits together
Dominance:The sun in the middle of the picture attracts our attention as soon as we see this picture.Therefore the orange sun dominants this picture.
Unity:The four hands together shows unity and teamwork.

Textures and Perspectives

The first assignment of the day was to draw textures.Firstly,we had to draw a texture that represented us,followed by textures of our surrounding and then futuristic/modern creative texture.
The first texture represented me as an individual as it comprises of many shapes and these shapes are not arranged in a orderly sequence.I think it represents me as a complicated yet simple individual who doesn’t like routines or sequences.
The second texture was inspired by my friend who was sitting in front of me.The texture was actually her wavy hair.And as for the third texture,I drew something like a checker board and shaded some of the tiles.This gives off somewhat of a digital feel to the picture.
Next,for the second assignment,I took a picture of the auditorium sign taken from its back.I think this shows the one of the different perspectives of the sign which can be seen.Following that picture is a drawing of the auditorium sign from its back view.I shaded some parts of the letters to clearly show a 3-Dimensional effect.

First Lesson Of Visual Communication

Firstly,the first two drawings of the elephant and Kungfu Panda were first drawn by sketching the outline of their bodies.Before I started drawing,I had to plan the proportion of the body parts of the two characters.After that,I darkened the outline of the characters and did some shading.That’s how I got the final drawing.
For this figurine drawing,sketching the shapes was essential as this figurine is mostly made up by shapes.After sketching the shapes,darken the lines of the outline of the figurine to get this.
Now,for the rose.Actually,the rose should be upside down.But I took the picture of the rose upright.Anyway,once again,I sketched before darkening the outline of the rose.I also applied different pressure on different parts of the rose to make the rose seem more realistic.
This is my sketch of a dog.I didn’t really darken the outline of the dog due to the lack of time.Maybe it was because i took too long to draw the dog!However,the rough lines made the drawing more life-like mainly because it resembles the dog’s fur.Sometimes,not erasing the rough lines can make the drawing look more realistic.
Finally,the last drawing.I drew my classmate/partner,Vinny.For this drawing,I concentrated more on the outline of her as well as the shape of the pattern on her shirt,the collar and as well as her watch.I think if I added more details like her facial features and the more detailed pattern on her shirt.
And that is the end for Week 1’s Visual communication lesson.