Saturday 18 January 2014

Singapore Polytechnic Open House 2014

This is a banner placed near the auditorium. This is also the banner that captures the most attention from  those who came to Singapore Polytechnic's Open House. The main message and theme of this year's Open House is SP+U. The banner uses the representative colours of Singapore Polytechnic which are black, white and red. This banner is effective as it brings the main message and theme of this year's Singapore Polytechnic Open House out clearly.

These are some of the magazines and items found in the SP Goodie Bag and on the Information Counters. The magazines for each of the schools in Singapore Polytechnic are represented by their own respective colours. For example, the school of Digital Media & IT is represented by the colour purple. 

These are the banners and standee used for the different schools of Singapore Polytechnic. The banners also use the respective colours of their schools. Like the school of Communication uses the colour yellow and the school of Business uses orange. The colours are effective in differentiating the different schools from none another.
These are the 2 examples of the type of shirts the schools use to promote their schools and Singapore Polytechnic. The design of the shirts are simple and they use contrasting colours which are also the representative colours of Singapore Polytechnic. The shirts emphasise on the word "SP" or "Singapore Polytechnic". These designs are effective in promoting Singapore Polytechnic as a brand itself.
The design and layout of the information is constant throughout. The arches are of the same design and they are marked by the representative colours of each schools. As for the information counter about CCAs and scholarships, the design of the backgrounds are similar. They have the main topic written in white in an orange background and a student is seen posing at the side. The brochure and forms are also organised in a orderly manner. There are also pictures placed in front of the information counters to tell the public what that counter is about. The entire layout and design is effective as they convey their topic and information clearly through the visuals.

Overall, I think that the entire design and layout of the Open House is very effective and I really like it. The Open House was able to promote Singapore Polytechnic as an united school despite the size and number of different schools it consists of, because the layout and design was consistent throughout the entire campus. 

However, I think that the different schools should have different design on their banners as it would bring out the unique characteristics of the school itself. For example, maybe the Design school should design their own banners to show off their own unique ideas.

The Singapore Polytechnic Open House makes use of social media websites like Twitter and Facebook to promote the Open House. For example, they will post the dates of the Open House and ask people to come for it on Facebook and more. After the Open House, they also posted pictures of the Open House  on these social media websites.

I think that their video about the Singapore Polytechnic Open House was really creative and unique. They just make a video about someone drawing and explaining about life in Singapore Polytechnic. It is different from other schools promotional video such as Temasek Polytechnic. I think Singapore Polytechnic should continue using more unique and creative ways for their promotional videos and maybe post them on social media websites to publicise. This is because social media is a very effective and efficient way to communicate with the public.

My group used Whatsapp as our collaborative tool as it is an fast effective way to pass around messages to each other. We also sent images of the Open House via Whatsapp. As compared to other collaborative tools, Whatsapp is more convenient as it is available on our handphones,which are always with us.


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