Wednesday 26 June 2013


This is a picture of my classmate, Galen. I took a picture of him and myself and using Photoshop, I exchanged his hair with mine. I had to use the Lasso tool to cut the outline of my hair and copied it. After that, I pasted my hair onto his picture. I also used the clone stamp to make the colours of the hair seem fitting. I have to get more used to the clone stamp to make his face fit with my hair. I think this is not bad for my first try and I'm sure I can improve even further with practice.


Today, we learnt how to use Photoshop. Our first task was to edit the colour and sharpen our own pictures to make it look better. I decided to use a picture that I took with my classmates and edited it. The first picture is the one which is edited. Use the curve function, I tried to make the brightness in the picture to increase. I also tried to sharpen the image too. This was a good practice as it allowed us to familiarise with the basic tools in Photoshop.

This picture was formed by photoshopping the mascot into the street in Singapore Polytechnic. We had to use the Magic Wand tool and inverse it so that we can copy the mascot and paste it on the picture of the street. I used the scale function to create and change the size of the exact same mascot. As for the shadow caused by the mascot, I drew it with the brush tool.

For this picture, we had to use all the tools we learnt today. We copied and paste the mask and the lighting sign onto the picture of Singa. We also had to change the colour of Singa's shirt. I had to use the Magic Wand tool to trace the outline of the shirt and change the colour to black. As for the mask, I just changed the size and position to make it fit into Singa's face. I think today has really helped me familiarise with Photoshop and some of its tools.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Adobe Illustrator

For the first picture, we tried to draw the character based on a type of facial expression, hair and body. I drew the girl with a hat on her head on the right of the picture. For this drawing, we had to make use of layers and by tracing the body, hair and facial expression that we chose. We overlap the shapes by using layers. This practice helps us to get familiar with the layers function, which will aid us in our drawing for our CA.

For the second picture, we made use of the Ellipse tool and text tool in Illustrator. We duplicated the circle by pressing the option key and dragging the mouse. We got an exact circle and we changed the scale to 80% and changed the colour. After that, we moved it into the middle of the initial circle and continued doing the same routine. We did the same for the words too. For the star int he middle, we made use of the Star tool in Illustrator.

Adobe Illustrator Homework

This is our homework. We had to trace the penguin and Hello Kitty. I tried to follow the initial picture by creating shapes for the different shades. We used the eyedropper tool and the layer function to copy the colour of the different parts of the characters. I think this practice really helped me to familiarise with the layers function, eyedropper tool and line drawing.