Saturday 18 January 2014

Singapore Polytechnic Open House 2014

This is a banner placed near the auditorium. This is also the banner that captures the most attention from  those who came to Singapore Polytechnic's Open House. The main message and theme of this year's Open House is SP+U. The banner uses the representative colours of Singapore Polytechnic which are black, white and red. This banner is effective as it brings the main message and theme of this year's Singapore Polytechnic Open House out clearly.

These are some of the magazines and items found in the SP Goodie Bag and on the Information Counters. The magazines for each of the schools in Singapore Polytechnic are represented by their own respective colours. For example, the school of Digital Media & IT is represented by the colour purple. 

These are the banners and standee used for the different schools of Singapore Polytechnic. The banners also use the respective colours of their schools. Like the school of Communication uses the colour yellow and the school of Business uses orange. The colours are effective in differentiating the different schools from none another.
These are the 2 examples of the type of shirts the schools use to promote their schools and Singapore Polytechnic. The design of the shirts are simple and they use contrasting colours which are also the representative colours of Singapore Polytechnic. The shirts emphasise on the word "SP" or "Singapore Polytechnic". These designs are effective in promoting Singapore Polytechnic as a brand itself.
The design and layout of the information is constant throughout. The arches are of the same design and they are marked by the representative colours of each schools. As for the information counter about CCAs and scholarships, the design of the backgrounds are similar. They have the main topic written in white in an orange background and a student is seen posing at the side. The brochure and forms are also organised in a orderly manner. There are also pictures placed in front of the information counters to tell the public what that counter is about. The entire layout and design is effective as they convey their topic and information clearly through the visuals.

Overall, I think that the entire design and layout of the Open House is very effective and I really like it. The Open House was able to promote Singapore Polytechnic as an united school despite the size and number of different schools it consists of, because the layout and design was consistent throughout the entire campus. 

However, I think that the different schools should have different design on their banners as it would bring out the unique characteristics of the school itself. For example, maybe the Design school should design their own banners to show off their own unique ideas.

The Singapore Polytechnic Open House makes use of social media websites like Twitter and Facebook to promote the Open House. For example, they will post the dates of the Open House and ask people to come for it on Facebook and more. After the Open House, they also posted pictures of the Open House  on these social media websites.

I think that their video about the Singapore Polytechnic Open House was really creative and unique. They just make a video about someone drawing and explaining about life in Singapore Polytechnic. It is different from other schools promotional video such as Temasek Polytechnic. I think Singapore Polytechnic should continue using more unique and creative ways for their promotional videos and maybe post them on social media websites to publicise. This is because social media is a very effective and efficient way to communicate with the public.

My group used Whatsapp as our collaborative tool as it is an fast effective way to pass around messages to each other. We also sent images of the Open House via Whatsapp. As compared to other collaborative tools, Whatsapp is more convenient as it is available on our handphones,which are always with us.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Orchard Road Field Trip

These pictures were taken during our field trip to Orchard Road. We were given tasks to complete during our field trip such as taking pictures of some of the businesses and also exhibitions displayed there.

These brands shown here have different images.

For Dior, the image of the shop is very neat and clean. As you can see, the main colours used is black and white. The logo of Dior is simple yet it gives off a very elegant and classy feeling.

For Dolce & Gabbana, the outer layout and design of the store is bit complicated. For the outer design of the store, they use the colours black and white, while on the inside, they use other colours such as brown ( alike to a wood colour). The store gives off a luxurious feeling.

For Louis Vuitton, the main colours that they use is also black and white. The logo is simple yet elegant.

For Prada, the logo is a little too dark as compared to the outer design of the store. The logo seems to be  hidden amongst the outer design.  The store layout gives off a very classy feeling to the store, following the arrangement of the mannequins.

Finally as for Giorgio Armani, the design of the outside of the store is very dark, whereas the above the logo, it is rather bright. The logo is simple and shows a very sensual and elegant image. Personally, I feel that the outer design doesn't go well with the brand logo and brand image. the outer design should be a little brighter. The logo should also be a brighter shade of white.

The 2 pictures above are advertisements placed on the sides of escalators. For the first image, the advertisement is about sunglasses. The theme of the advertisement is about summer. They use very bright colours like blue and yellow to make the advertisement colourful. Maybe they used the colours blue and yellow to represent the beach, ocean and sun which are often associated to summer.

As for the second picture, the advertisement is about watches. This advertisement gives off a more elegant and simple feeling. The main colours that they use are orange and black. The colours that they use serves its purpose to give off a simple feel to the advertisement.

These are the logos of 2 of the food stands located at the basement of Takashimaya. The similarities between these logos are that they use an animated mascot on their logo. The colours that they use for their logos are very contrasting. As for the differences, the first logo used a sketchy font. Whereas for the second logo, the font is more solid.
This is the TicketCube. I think that the design is very eye-catching. the colours used is also very bright and contrasting. One way I think that they can improve on is instead of separating the television into 3, they should just use one big television. This is because they information, pictures and words are cut by the lines between the television. Since they use 3 television, they should use 1 television for some of the promotions where the promotions do not exceed the space for 1 television. This would make the entire design more organised and clear.

These are pictures of KFC and 4Fingers. Firstly, the logo of KFC is very simple and easy to remember.The colours used in the logo and the store are the same. The main colours used in KFC is red and white. From the store up till the furniture used in the store, the colours used are all the same.
As for 4Fingers, the main colours used are orange and white. Similarly, the store design and furniture also uses the colour theme of their brand.

For Dolce Tokyo, the brand image is high class and elegant. The design of the store uses mainly black and white. Whereas for Smoothie King, the logo is bright and they use a solid font. The store gives off a more relaxed and affordable feel.

Monday 22 July 2013


For this week, we photoshopped a woman into the background of a beach. We used the magnetic lasso tool to select the outline of the woman. We also used the feather tool to make the edges of the outline more smooth. I think I'm getting better at Photoshop through the many practices we had during Visual Communication lessons.I think that I should also use the lasso tool to select the white spaces between the hair to make it more realistic.

Photoshop Homework

This was my homework for the week. We were supposed to photoshop 3 objects or characters into a background.Thus, I chose a setting in a street. As for the characters, I chose Patrick Star and another one of my idols. I selected the outline of all 3 characters using the magnetic lasso tool and cut and pasted them onto this street. One way I can improve is to create a shadow to make the picture seem more realistic.

Colouration in Photoshop

This is the before and after of an old photo. I used the hue/saturation tool and also the colour balance tool to get the photo to look like it's not a very old photo, but a little more recent.This exercise has helped me to be more familiar with the colour balance and hue/saturation tool in Photoshop.


For this lesson, we photoshopped objects and characters into a different background. For the first picture, we photoshopped animals,birds and insects into a picture of a pond. We learnt how to use the opacity tool and scale tool. We also learnt how to rotate the characters.
As for the second picture,we used a picture of a piece of crumpled paper and made it blend with the car to make it seem that the car is crumpled. We also used the opacity tool for this picture.
For the third picture, i edited Spongebob and a shark into the fish tank with the goldfish and changed the colour of the water. I change the colour of the water by changing the settings in Hue/Saturation. Next, I selected the picture of Spongebob and the shark and inversed both of it and cut and pasted it into the tank, to get the final picture.

For the last picture, Using a background that I chose, I made a polariod sized box with the rectangular tool and pasted a picture of my idol onto it. I also made a short caption there. I also used the drop shadow tool on the picture.

Wednesday 26 June 2013


This is a picture of my classmate, Galen. I took a picture of him and myself and using Photoshop, I exchanged his hair with mine. I had to use the Lasso tool to cut the outline of my hair and copied it. After that, I pasted my hair onto his picture. I also used the clone stamp to make the colours of the hair seem fitting. I have to get more used to the clone stamp to make his face fit with my hair. I think this is not bad for my first try and I'm sure I can improve even further with practice.